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CLOSURE: Bar that’s been in business for decades just permanently closed... CLOSURE: Bar that’s been in business for decades just permanently closed in Toronto

A bar that’s been in business for multiple decades in Toronto just suddenly announced that they were shutting down. ...

CLOSURE: A location of a bakery is closing after over 30 years in Toronto CLOSURE: A location of a bakery is closing after over 30 years in Toronto

A bakery just announced that they were abruptly closing one of their locations that’s been in business for over 30...

CLOSURE: A nightclub just closed after nearly 20 years in Niagara Falls CLOSURE: A nightclub just closed after nearly 20 years in Niagara Falls

An epic nightclub known for throwing huge parties has closed its doors after almost 20 years of business in Niagara...

CLOSURE: A restaurant for healthy eats has shuttered its doors in Toronto CLOSURE: A restaurant for healthy eats has shuttered its doors in Toronto

A restaurant for healthy plant-based food has closed in Toronto, but it’s already being replaced by something else. ...