New splash slide with ‘zero gravity summit’ set to make its debut at Canada’s Wonderland


Published August 10, 2023 at 3:44 pm

This one is for all adventure enthusiasts and thrill seekers, as Canada’s Wonderland just announced a new addition to its Splash Works waterpark.

Dubbed the ‘Moosehorn Falls,’ this slide is said to take up to six guests down a rushing river, with twists and turns giving guests the feel of a ‘wild raft journey,’ according to the amusement park’s press release.

After that, guests will be propelled to the summit of a zero-gravity, 13-metre wall, where they will experience momentary weightlessness.

“The current will reverse and send them downstream to a crystal-clear pool where their journey on this water slide ends with a breathtaking splash,” the statement added.

This splash ride draws inspiration from the waterfalls along the Moosehorn Trail in Fundy National Park, New Brunswick.

The Mossehorn Falls will open in 2024.