Oshawa’s Dizzy coming home for Saturday night show at the Biltmore


Published October 13, 2023 at 9:55 am

Tis the season for homecomings and north Oshawa alt-rock band Dizzy will enjoy their own homecoming party Saturday with a show at the Biltmore Theatre.

The band’s North American tour, in support of their self-titled third album released August 18, brings them to downtown Oshawa Saturday for a much anticipated show at the iconic Biltmore.

Dizzy, made up of singer Katie Munshaw and Charlie Spencer, who met at Oshawa’s Maxwell Heights high school and were later joined by Charlie’s brothers Mack and Alex, will be bringing their angst-ridden, yet somehow joyful sound home after a cross-Canada tour that got its start at the Springtide Music Festival in Uxbridge in June and will end with a series of shows south of the border next month.

Their latest effort was recorded in Los Angeles and Toronto and already features four singles that have received consistent air play and some success on the alt-rock charts, including Open up Wide, which was unveiled at Springtide.

There’s an ache to Munshaw’s haunting voice, yet the song is melodic, melancholy even downright upbeat, with some fuzzy guitars helping deliver a song that speaks of growing up in Oshawa and trying to make it in the music industry.

Open up wide, gotta pay to rent
To rot away in my mom’s basement
Open up wide, gotta pay to get
To get the kids in front headbanging

Headbanging, headbanging, headbanging
Headbanging, headbanging, headbanging

Katie Munshaw of Dizzy

Dizzy already has a JUNO Award on the mantel, winning for Alternative Album of the Year in 2019 for their debut LP, Baby Teeth and album number two, The Sun and Her Scorch (2020), was also nominated and was a top ten song on the alternative charts on both sides of the border.

The band has cut their teeth with songs about bullying, depression, the trials of high school and growing up in the Shwa yet their songs can still instill joy in their audiences, a testament to strong writing and the power of Munshaw’s mournful voice.

Tickets are still available for the Saturday night show. Check out https://tickets.biltmoretheatre.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=121 for more info.

If you miss it, there’s always Maxwell’s in Waterloo next Thursday, the Warehouse in St. Catharines the following night or a performance at Toronto’s Danforth Music Hall October 26.