Top 5 haunted houses in Toronto


Published October 9, 2024 at 1:31 pm

haunted houses toronto

There are some seriously haunted places in Toronto, if you know where to look. These haunted houses are all good for a seasonal thrill and chill if you’re up for poking around a creepy mansion. Just watch out for ghosts!

Here are some of Toronto’s top haunted houses.

5 – Spadina House

There haven’t been any documented deaths on this property, but there are many reports that the house’s third floor that’s not open to the public is haunted. Multiple people say they’ve seen ghostly apparitions on site including a weird egg-shaped figure and a grey mass.

4 – Christie Mansion

This mansion that’s now a part of the University of Toronto was once owned by one of Toronto’s most famous people, but has a dark history. It was owned by the famous cookie maker William Mellis Christie who passed the mansion down to his son Robert after dying of cancer.

Robert lived there with his wife and family, but kept a mistress captive in a hidden chamber that she wasn’t allowed to leave. It’s said that she eventually went mad and hung herself from the rafters with her bed sheets, and that Robert then secretly removed her body from the house and buried it in Queen’s Park. The mistress haunts the mansion to this day, especially the chamber dubbed “Room 29” where people have reported being mysteriously locked in behind the paneling, unable to get out.

3 – Mackenzie House

Toronto’s first mayor, William Lyon Mackenzie, famously died in this house in the second floor bedroom. Since the house became a museum in the 50s, live-in caretakers have reported paranormal experiences.

Caretaker Mrs. Edmund told a tale of a ghostly woman who touched her on the shoulder and slapped her in the face. Others have reported seeing a small bald man in a frock and wig. Other phenomena include creaking stairs, footsteps, and a piano being played and printing press operating on their own.

2 – Keg Mansion

It’s well known that this location of a popular steakhouse is haunted. Several deaths occurred in the home that is now just an average ordinary restaurant. A woman named Lillian Massey of the famous Massey family passed away there in 1915 and it’s said one of her maids hung herself in the house due to grief. A young boy also fell down the stairs and died from his injuries.

The ghosts of all three are said to haunt the mansion to this day and people have reported hearing the sounds of children playing and see doors open and close by themselves.

1 – Casa Loma

This Gothic Revival mansion that’s one of the most historic in Toronto looks like something straight out of a horror movie, so it already feels a bit creepy. But there’s so much more to it.

One blogger says Casa Loma is “definitely haunted” based on reports from staff and guests of “phenomena they cannot explain” like disembodied voices, footsteps, doors opening on their own and even apparitions.

There are said to be several ghosts known to haunt Casa Loma: first off, Sir Henry Pellatt and Lady Mary Pellatt, who used to reside there. There’s also the Lady in White who’s believed to be a former maid who sometimes appears while staff are cleaning up, as well as a ghost ominously named Mr. Happy who’s said to haunt Casa Loma’s famous tunnels, pulling hair and grabbing people in the dark.

Of course, Legends of Horror also turns Casa Loma into a legit haunted house every year, so you’re guaranteed a scare there even if you don’t see any ghosts otherwise.